jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011



Today, one of our classmates has told us some things about Google's Sketchup. With this program, it is possible to create houses, cars or even landscapes in a very simple way. This programes are better for architects, engineers...but normal people like you and I can use it.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


This GIF has got problems, but I don't know why. I will ask the teacher on Monday.

P2P Programs!!

Person-to-person lending (abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is a certain breed of financial transaction (primarily lending and borrowing, though other more complicated transactions can be facilitated) which occurs directly between individuals or "peers" without the intermediation of a traditional financial institution. Person-to-person lending is for the most part a for-profit activity.

Today, our classmate told us about P2P programs such as Emule, Ares..., where you can download music, films... Nowadays, this programs are dissappearing, because a new law forbides them. 

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


Today, some of our classmates have told us some interesting things about Apple.
They have told us all about their products, their software, their headquarters...
The PRO's of Apple are the low possibilities to get a virus and its incredible design.
The CONT's are that their products are very expensive, you have to pay for all the applications that Apple offers and the incompatibility of Apple programs with normal PC's.