martes, 14 de junio de 2011


Hi, I'm writing this to say you that this is my last post that I make in my whole life. It was a pleasure to make you smile with my posts. I had never imagined that so many people all over the world would visit my blog. I hope you will continue blogging. Your friend, PAUL

sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Price list!!

Word itinerary!!!

Our itinerary!!

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


Today, Dan has told us some interesting things about Chicago, the third more populated city in the USA. 
He has told us about its main monuments like the Sears Tower, the Chicago Opera...., landmarks and events like the "Lollapalooza", the "Taste of Chicago"...He has also said that there are a lot of sportclubs in Chicago, like the Chicago Bulls (basketball), the Hawks (hockey)...With all the things that he has toldus, I think that someday I will go and visit CHICAGO....

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


Today, two of our friends have told us how YouTube works.
YouTube is a very interesting broadcasting page where people can share their videos, music,news, channels...
You can't imagine how many videos there are on YouTube!!! If you want to see all of them you have to be 431 years in front of the PC!!!
They have also told us that the most seen music video is "Baby" from Justin Bieber.
Then, come ON, put your videos into YouTube. It's FUN!!!

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

How does DAN travel??

Today, Dan has explained to us how he travels.
In fact, he travels very cheap, because he travels with discount airways and stays in very cheap hotels.
To travel, he searches where he wants to go (but not Cuba-he is American), then he chooses his flight, his hotel and his transport. 
He thinks that it is very important to meet people from the country that he visits, because they can show it to you better than a map or a travel plan. Then, it is also important to eat food from there (and not eating pizza everywhere you go), visit its most important monuments, and enjoy visiting them.(You are a tourist, then...BE A TOURIST.

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011


Social networks are webpages that are used by people all over the world to chat with friends, share music, share photos... There are a lot of social networks, like Facebook, Tuenti, MySpace...
In China, there is a similar social network like Facebook, which is called RENREN, and which can only be used by Chinese people. The problem of this network is that it is controlled by the Chinese government,and because of this, censorship exists.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


This is a powerpoint made by me and my colleague Luis Morillas. I hope you enjoy it:



jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011



Today, one of our classmates has told us some things about Google's Sketchup. With this program, it is possible to create houses, cars or even landscapes in a very simple way. This programes are better for architects, engineers...but normal people like you and I can use it.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


This GIF has got problems, but I don't know why. I will ask the teacher on Monday.

P2P Programs!!

Person-to-person lending (abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is a certain breed of financial transaction (primarily lending and borrowing, though other more complicated transactions can be facilitated) which occurs directly between individuals or "peers" without the intermediation of a traditional financial institution. Person-to-person lending is for the most part a for-profit activity.

Today, our classmate told us about P2P programs such as Emule, Ares..., where you can download music, films... Nowadays, this programs are dissappearing, because a new law forbides them. 

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


Today, some of our classmates have told us some interesting things about Apple.
They have told us all about their products, their software, their headquarters...
The PRO's of Apple are the low possibilities to get a virus and its incredible design.
The CONT's are that their products are very expensive, you have to pay for all the applications that Apple offers and the incompatibility of Apple programs with normal PC's.

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011


Today, some of our classmates have told us about computer virus. Some of them are very dangerous, like Trojans, Worms and Macros, which are created by professonal hackers and crackers.
Other virus are created by amateurs,which are bored and don't no anything else what they could do.
To protect your PC from virus, the best option is to install an Antivirus programm.
Then....protect yourself from VIRUS and also your computer. :)


jueves, 13 de enero de 2011


In my opinion, Internet music is very helpful for people that don't want to buy CD's, cassettes....
But, on the other hand, this possibility is bad for the musicians, because they lose a lot of money that they could earn thanks to their CD's and their hard work.
I'm against Internet music platforms, but nowadays, there are a lot of interesting songs that are very expensive, and people use them.